Satoshi Kon's 'Perfect Blue' is one heck of a film! It's a psychological thriller that focuses on the life of an ex-pop star-turned-actress. Though 'Perfect Blue' is a "cartoon," it presents highly involving real-world themes regarding celebrities, their expected roles in society, and much, much more. |
The first half of 'Perfect Blue' is, for the most part, straightforward. We see Mima making arguably wrong career moves, and slowly descend into mental instability. When the psychological aspect of 'Perfect Blue' kicks in, that's when the film truly becomes great. Why the film succeeds in its psychological thrills is due to the fact that director Satoshi Kon ('Paprika' & 'Millenium Actress') executes 'Perfect Blue' so well. We the audience experience the paranoia and confusion Mima goes through because the film puts us in her position. We see everything Mima sees, which tend to be out of context and unexplained. 'Perfect Blue' frequently cuts between Mima's real life, the character she portrays on her television show, her dreams, and her delusions, as if they were all one in the same. Satoshi goes from one reality to another seamlessly, and it definitely pays off with the film becoming a highly involving psychological thriller. |
Celebrities are also treated as products frequently, also demonstrated in 'Perfect Blue'. Mima's managers argue and debate over what Mima should and shouldn't do in her career, though it's ultimately up to Mima to decide.
'Perfect Blue' is an extremely well-executed psychological thriller by the great anime director Satoshi Kon, and one of the best anime films I'd ever seen. The film is very provocative and spirals out of control, which is a good thing.
Extra Notes:
- 'Perfect Blue' is a lot like last year's 'Black Swan' (my review), which was one of the best films of 2010. In fact, 'Black Swan' director Darren Aronofsky admits similarities between the two films, though he mentions he wasn't technically inspired by 'Perfect Blue'. Both films feature a central female character who slowly lose their minds as their professional careers progress, and both films do a great job at depicting reality and delusions as one-in-the-same, and have rewardingly tricky third acts.
- Here's a song that slightly relates to 'Perfect Blue':
I like the points that you begin to make towards the end of the blog. The lives of celebrities are a sad ordeal. They have no private life, people see everything that they do and they are unable to do anything about it. The worst part is that we like it, I guess we just have the unnecessary and ridiculous desire to follow the lives of those who to our eyes may seem as more fortunate. Some people even go to the obsessive side, where they stalk the person and feel as if that's their life, they're the star. Which to an extent explains why so many people pretty much end their lives when stars die. I mean, I like celebrities and it was a bummer when, for example, Michael Jackson died, but i didn't lay on my bed crying about it. Anyway, a celebrity pretty much has a life that is moved and shaped by the fans, if they don't like it then its over.
ReplyDeleteKudos on the song, it for sure depicts the movie. "Does that make me crazy.....maybe you're crazy....I think WE'RE crazy."